Naturopathy for Babies and Children

Joanne's holistic approach provides personalised support for your child's growth and development

Your long wait is over, and your over-joyed parents are so looking forward to sharing a lifetime of happiness and good health with you.

Joanne’s Holistic Approach Supports Your Child’s Unique Journey

Whether you are your parents’ first or last baby, you have brought your very own unique individuality with you, your own constitution, and your own physical and emotional needs. Over the next few months and years, your family with get to learn all about you.

You and your parents might find these first few weeks and months to be quite challenging. You will all have to make adjustments during this settling in period.

Joanne at BabyCreate is warm, maternal, and understanding. She has a comprehensive knowledge and extensive experience in dealing with babies of all ages. She uses a natural holistic approach to support infants and toddlers, as well as children.

No matter what your needs may be, Joanne will tailor a unique treatment programme specifically for you. She will provide your parents with guidance, advice and support for each stage of your development.

Settling In: Support for the following infant conditions:

  • Digestive system – colic, reflux, vomiting, constipation, diarrhoea
  • Skin - cradle cap, nappy rash and other rashes, dermatitis, eczema
  • Immune system – fever, infections, allergies, intolerances
  • Emotional – crying, sleep difficulties, restlessness
  • Feeding issues – latching on difficulties, intolerance of mother’s milk
  • Teething

Growing up: Support for the following childhood conditions:

  • Digestive system – tummy aches, constipation, diarrhoea
  • Skin – rashes, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis
  • Immune system – fever, infections, asthma, allergies, intolerances
  • Emotional – anxiety, depression, attention difficulties, sleep difficulties
  • Other - fussy eating, ‘growing pains’, headaches
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